Saturday, October 27, 2012

Divas and Dudes Blog: DMV Entertainment Cassidy - All DMV Hiphop

Divas and Dudes Blog: DMV Entertainment Cassidy - All DMV Hiphop

DMV Entertainment Cassidy Performance Club One

Divas&Dudes Global Network - DMV Entertainment
Cassidy Performance at Club One

Well you know Divas&Dudes was on the scene for Cassidy Performance. When we arrived at Club One the parking lot was full of people. The party was definitely outside at 12:30 am. Deuce Kutter definitely has the love of his people. 
Recogneyez & Rair

The Elite Group
Hunit Grand

Many recognized as friends and family came out to support the upcoming artist as well as those who have been following him along with Divas&Dudes. The ladies was definitely ready to make a statement some good and others flopped.
 A few of the best known Artists are The Elite Group Squad with big love to Hunit Grand and the whole team, a lot of strong individuals who was holding it down quiet nice as a team if we may say so! We also got to give a shout out to DMV's well known Producer/artist Recognize and lovely wifey Rair, a beautiful lyricist and songstress was hot on the scene. We also had Ditto (Point Blank Keyboard Player) in the spot along with many others that showed love.
Cassidy performance clip below and you decide! It was a lot more talent in that room than what the clip will show you! It's all love to Deuce Kutter and the DMV for the live party! We at Divas&Dudes can not wait to see this team on the next level. I promise the world is missing out but since we got the scoop we clearly don't want you to miss out on a great thing!
We would love to hear what you have to say So Talk the Talk Right Here!

Deuce Kutter
Divas&Dudes DMV Entertainment